Schedule Changes
Changing the hours that your child attends our school is a simple process. Please let us know a week in advance which new hour schedule you would like, Full, Extended or Half, and we will start your child the following Monday.
When you are requesting a schedule change, to switch which days your child is in attendance, please plan extra time for us to be able to make your changes happen. We will give you an estimated time frame for the change and try our best to make it happen for your requested dates. However, early requests are often the most successful because we have time to plan out and look for an opening that lines up with the change that you want.
Movement Estimates and What Affects Them
When we give estimates, we take into account not only how many children are on the current waiting list for your schedule of choice, but also movement within the program.
We don’t base our movements singularly on age, but instead take into account their social/emotional development, their achievement of the class milestones, and their academic advancement. With this information, we can track how a child is doing and make an estimate on when they will continue to the next program.
With these three variables, we do our best to give you a practical estimate. However, please bear with us and understand that our estimates are flexible depending on our current students and families.
Summer Options
If you would like to stay with us all 12 months of the year, when the summer months roll around (June-August) you can simply choose to keep your placement and continue your standard schedule.
If you would like to take summers off with your child, you have two options:
You can choose to reserve your placement for the next school year (starts in September) and pay a monthly Reservation Fee to hold an opening for the schedule of your choice
Monthly Summer Reservation Fee (June-August)
- Reserve a 2-day placement: $100 per month
- Reserve a 3-day placement: $150 per month
- Reserve a 5-day placement: $300 per month
Or you can choose to give up your current spot and put your child on the waitlist for a September placement. Please note that a spot on the waitlist does not guarantee an opening.
We begin requesting summer preferences in February and ask that families respond no later than March 1st.
If for some reason, you find that you need to withdraw from our school, we require a one month notice.